Weekly Recap: Chocolates, Coffee, and a Missing Nanny

The savor of our family, Marcela, our nanny, is gone for a month. I mean, the fact that her daughter is having a baby of her own, I’ll admit, is a valid reason for her absence. However, (and I’m aware of how first world problem this sounds), I’ve been mentally gearing up for this like I’m running a marathon. It has only been one week and has felt much much longer. And next week is…second mid-winter break. Nooooo!!

Considering the fact that I fell into bed around 9:30pm last night, physically and mentally exhausted even with both boys being in school that day, I will be taking any and all advice on how to summon the amount of patience and stamina that will be required this next week.

I feel like we’ve got to stop embracing this “I can do it all” attitude that leaves moms so depleted, and get comfortable with things being unbalanced. If you’re launching a business, you’re going to work more during that season. If your kid is sick or their school is shut down, there will be a disproportionate amount of time spent taking care of them versus whatever your professional demands are. If you’re focusing on something that means a lot to you, something else is going to fall through the cracks, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s just reality. That’s why we have husbands, partners, parents, friends, and nannies….is Marcela back yet?!?

Valentines Day fell on Monday this year and being that it’s not really that important of a day to me and Jake, (but because I’ll use anything as an excuse to eat chocolate and celebrate things) we called a friend to come over to watch the little man for an hour so we could grab a quick bite. Did we stay in sweat pants? Yes. Did the power go out at the restaurant? Yes. Did it stop me from devouring our apple crisp? No. It didn’t even slow me down.

Naturally, this next week is crazy busy for both Jake and I, so the balancing act will seem more like a tightrope walk, but that’s where the insane amount of coffee comes in. So, the theme of this week is “just keep swimming” and to see how many plates I can keep spinning, knowing that one or two may drop.

One gigantic positive of this past week is that it has been full of people and places, which is slowly building back the hope that had been previously so hard to find during the past few years of the pandemic. The fact that I’m not measuring risk in my head each time we have something planned or we want to see people, is something I never want to take for granted again. In retro-spect, this very long season has made me more appreciative of date nights and outings with friends, because as we’ve seen, those things aren’t always a given. So here’s to handling each moment as it comes, one cup of coffee at a time. :)

Much love,


Favorite thing I bought this week…this perfect layering long-sleeve tee from free people. I’ve worn it almost every day since I got it. :)

Susan G