5 Ways to Ease Your Way Back into "Normal" Life
It’s no secret that 2020 and COVID has taken quite a toll on us all. As things are opening up, it feels like we’re coming out of a hibernation or some sort of solitary confinement and it may take some time to adjust as we’re getting our sea legs again.
So if you have forgotten how to have conversations with people, or can’t fathom putting on real pants or an underwire, here are a couple tips for you on how to ease your way back into how things used to be:
1) Carve out some time by yourself to regroup:
I know it sounds counterintuitive but, especially for those moms out there, we’ve been in survival mode for so long, it’s hard to even know where to begin. I went away by myself for a weekend to refocus, create, evaluate what is most important and set some goals. Hitting the reset button, taking a breath, and having a game plan moving forward can be such a game changer.
2) Take Stock of your Mental Health:
Air B&B in Gig Harbor where I stayed
Everybody is affected by stress so differently so figuring out where you’re at and any support you need moving forward can be incredibly helpful. If you’ve continued to feel down, talk to a counselor. I’ve seen a therapist through this experience and it’s been incredibly helpful to sort through all my many emotions. :) What’s something you loved doing pre-covid that you haven’t been able to do? What’s the best way to reclaim that?
3) Start Slow:
We don’t want to necessarily jump from seeing 2-5 people at a time to attending festival raves…unless that’s your vibe, then you do you! :) It can be a bit overwhelming trying to remember how to engage in small talk or just how you function overall in a social environment. Start by inviting someone over that you haven’t seen in a while or get your group of girlfriends together for a dinner or brunch. Surround yourself with your closer circle first, get some hugs in, and find your extended village.
4) Make Room: Physically and Emotionally.
It’s been a minute since we’ve had to share space with people. Americans in general are more likely to distance normally so it may feel a bit alarming to have someone closer to you in the Starbucks line or right behind you at the grocery store. That’s OK - We’ve been conditioned to see each other as dangerous for the past year and a half, so it might take some time to not be on edge with people in close proximity. Let’s practice giving each other some grace as we all figure out how to be together again.
5) Go Out!!
Go on a vacation, go to your favorite restaurant, see a movie, whatever it is, get out and take in the community you live in. I’ve always felt that community is important but I’ve learned now that it’s absolutely necessary for us. Even if you’re apprehensive, going out and engaging in social settings will help you dust off the Covid cobwebs and lift your spirits.
If there are other things you’ve found helpful during this transition, please let me know!
Much Love,